Elena Panknin
About the artist
Everything you do in life should be done with passion.

Elena Panknin, born 1978 in Grozny / Russian Federation.
The artist and graduate of the Düsseldorf Art Academy, initially trained in the Tal R class and later a master student of Siegfried Anzinger, has long since made a name for herself beyond the borders of the state capital Düsseldorf. Her paintings have been exhibited internationally in New York, Tokyo, Paris and Berlin.
When people look at my art, they can take away any experience they want. I don't want to give instructions about what I should experience, what I should think, how I should feel, how I should act or where I should stand. What is really important to me is that they establish a certain relationship with my art, that they are interested in the people in my paintings, where the places are, or that they try to find something special in my art.
In other words, my art is my unique tool to communicate and build relationships with other people.
1978 born in Grozny / Russian Federation - Elena Moldavskaya
2003 graduated as fashion designer at the fashion school Düsseldorf
2012 Guest student at the Academy of Arts Münster
2012 Participation in cooperative strategies, class of Prof. Hohenbüchler, Academy of Fine Arts Münster
2012 Change to the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf class Prof. Tal R
2014 Class Prof. Anzinger
2017 Graduation master student Prof. Anzinger
2018 Art Promotion Prize of the City of Eschweiler
2018 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Works | Series
Group exhibitions
2012 Tour of the Münster Art Academy
2013 1st Düsseldorf Private Art
2014 Tour of the Düsseldorf Art Academy
2014 Benefit gala on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of wünschdirwas e.V. at the Radisson Blu Media Harbour (organiser)
2014 Artist portrait in DJournal - Düsseldorf society magazine
2015 Tour of the Düsseldorf Art Academy
2015 Sotheby's charity auction for the CS Hospiz Rennweg Vienna
2015 New Year's Auction in the Plenary Hall Düsseldorf City Hall
2016 Group exhibition at the Düsseldorf Art Academy
2016 New Year's Auction in the Plenary Hall Düsseldorf City Hall
2016 Tour of the Düsseldorf Art Academy
2016 Art Academy Gallery Art-After-Work (participant and curator)
2016 Enter Art Foundation Berlin
2016 Cuboshow
2016 Christmas Exhibition Stiftung Starke Berlin
2017 New Year Auction Theater an der Kö
2017 Tour of the Düsseldorf Art Academy
2017 Gallery Artoxx - Keck & Schnaudt
2017 Breuninger design of an artist window for the Tour de France
2017 Design of the campaign motif of Platform Fashion 2017
2018 New Year Auction Theater an der Kö
2018 Gallery Dobkine & Kie Saint Germain - Paris
2018 Cologne List - fair for contemporary art
2018 Eschweiler Art Open
2018 TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM - 66th Peace Art Exhibition
2019 ARTE CASA GALLERY - Port d'Andratx Spain Mallorca (permanent presence)
2019 Permanent Exhibition "SEQUENCE" - Deutsche Bank Düsseldorf, Königsallee
2019 ART RIGA - Contemporary Art Fair
2020 Rietumu Banka - RIGA
2020 New Year Auction 2020 - Hotel Nikko Düsseldorf
2020-2021 Permanent exhibition MERCK FINCK Düsseldorf
2022 Krefeld Art Association
2022 Riga
2022 Berlin